Jan 20, 2020. Mar 28, 2020.
4.3/5(11 votes )
Today SHAREit for PC Windows and Mac has been the most wanted application for free file sharing in seconds. The users can easily download SHAREit for PC or Mac application in seconds and start transferring any sort of data fastly. Microsoft and Apple both had launched this amazing application which not only transfers the data immediately but also serves multiple platform-in-dependency which is the most useful feature. This multiple platform possibility is meant to transfer the media files between Android, Windows, and iPhone easily.
Why You Should Download SHAREit for PC?
Among the abundant applications available for file sharing program, SHAREit app for laptop is the most widespread app which beats most apps like software data cable, xender for pc etc. in terms of sending and receiving the data fastly. Let us see its extraordinary features which makes this app successful as compared to the others app.
- Transfer all files: It helps to transfer all types of files such as pdf file, music files, videos, documents etc without having any hassle.
- Platform Independence: This feature allows the app to share the files among different platforms such as transfers files between iPhone and android phone as well.
- Transfers Data Fastly: You will be glad to know that with the help of this app, you can send and receive the data in seconds.
- Remote viewing: One of the coolest features of this SHAREit app is that one can easily send all the files from the mobile phone to computer systems directly.
- Copying or Cloneit feature: In this feature, this app allows you to copy all the settings such as contacts, contact logs etc. from one phone to another.
- Backup policy: With this amazing feature, you can recover the photos which get lost due to some accidental loss. Using this app i.e. SHAREit for PC, you can keep the backup of all the images as well.
- No Need of Wi-Fi: To exchange the data, one does not need any medium such as Wi-Fi, bluetooth to transfer the files. You can simply share the files after just downloading the SHAREit app.
Also Check: How to Download Zapya for PC Windows?
Video – SHAREit on PC Installation Guide
SHAREit App Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 – Easy Steps
To download SHAREit for PC successfully, let us follow the steps to do so:
- First of all, go to the official website of SHAREit and click on the download button to download the latest version of SHAREit for Windows. Wait till the app gets completely installed and it will totally depend on the internet speed.
- After the app gets downloaded completely, just click twice on .exe file and wait until the installation process gets completed.
- After this step, the app will show you the tutorial which you can go through to run the desired app smoothly.
- Now, there on the screen, you will see 2 buttons, one is of “Send” and the other is of “Receive”. The send button is meant to transfer the files from one phone to another phone or from phone to PC etc whereas the Receive button is to receive the files as well.
- Also, you can even browse the file that you want to send. Then simply tap on the “Next” button. One more option is there i.e. to drag and drop the files.
- Then, as soon as you click on the next button, the app will detect the device to start the process of sharing the files. Now, the receivers from the other end will need to press on the “receive” button to get the files fastly.
- After transferring the files completely, the SHAREit app for PC will notify you that the files have been received successfully.
Moreover, you can share any number of files drastically without any problem effectively. So, this is how we can send and receive the number of files.
Steps to Download SHAREit App for Mac Devices

Generally, to get the SHAREit for Mac, you should have installed the Mac app store with the latest OS of 10.10 or above. Although the Mac app store is already installed in it but if not, then get it installed. So, let us see the step by step procedure to get the app installed.
- First go to the Mac app store and sign in with your desired Apple ID to open up the store to download the app.
- Now, write SHAREit in the search button and search for this app.
- As soon as the application home page appears, just press on the download button.
- When the installation process gets completed successfully, then you can easily use the app to send or receive the files efficiently.
- With the usage of this app, you can transfer any number of files from PC to phone or vice versa.

With its tremendous extraordinary features, the app i.e. SHAREit for PC, Mac has gained the attraction of almost all the iOS and Windows users who want to send the data in seconds. Also, it can send any size of data in minimum time as compared to other resources. Therefore, forget about the old methods of transferring the data through USB cables, Bluetooth, etc. in hours and download SHAREit for PC or Mac.
Shareit Free App Download

Filetransfer was possibly one of the worst things we suffered with back in the daysbecause of the lack of applications and the lack of time as well. With the ever-changing course in technology, it is notsurprising that more and more people are inclining towards finding ways thatwould make their life a lot easier. If you are someone who requires consistentfile transfer and such in their day to day life, the concept and even the nameof ShareIt won’t be something new for you. ShareIt has been around for quitesome years now and has revolutionized theway we share and receive files on variousof the popular platforms, be it your desktop or even your mobile phone.
The bestthing about this file transfer application is the fact that it is compatible with every platform you might be using. ShareIt for Mac is possibly one of thethings that we are going to be highlighting and the process involved to installthe application on your Mac.
Features involved
Before we jump straight into discussing the amazing reasons why ShareIt is gaining tremendous success, the very first thing we need to run ourselves through is the list of features that are found on its application.

Shareit For MAC Features
Some ofthem include:
- The very first feature of this application that does stand out of the lot is the fact that it promotes easy and efficient PC to PC file transfer without any kind of complication or issues. The best thing is that it makes the process of file transfer a lot easier, especially when it does come down to sending and receiving a large amount of files over the computers and MacBooks.
- One of the most important factors of this application is the fact that it allows you to easily back up all your media files and any kind of file with just a single tap. This helps in ensuring that your phone stays free of any kind of excess files that can end up lagging your phone and affecting the speed of the phone altogether. By backing up, you can use the free space for any other kind of important files.
- The most common feature that majority of the people use is to avail ShareIt to transfer files from one phone to the other. Much like the standard procedure for file sharing, even this is nothing different. You can easily follow the process along to get the very best results when it comes down to sharing as well as receiving files.
- Yet another one of the amazing features that ShareIt boasts is the remote view feature. This allows you to have a quick and easy viewing of the folders and all the PC files right from your phone itself. The only thing you need to do is just click on the file from your phone and directly share it with any other device.
- The last but not the least is the fact that ShareIt allows you to share files to multiple devices all at once without any abruption. It can support up to five devices at once which is pretty amazing and rarely found in the other file transferring applications found.
Shareit On Mac Osx
Now thatwe have more or less discussed the amazing range of features that this filesharing application has, let us delve into why one should actually use ShareIt.
Faster transfer
Long goneare the days when we used Bluetooth toshare files. With the consistently evolving technology, it is not surprisingthat more and more people are resorting to ShareIt to sort their lives out. Thefile transfer speed on ShareIt is around 120 times faster than that of theBluetooth devices which are prettyintense in itself as well.
Better security
When itcomes down to the file transferring platforms or even the applications, the onething that does stand out of the crowd is the fact that security is somethingthat is paid first preference when it comes down to ShareIt. None of the filesthat are shared on this platform are hacked into or accessed or misused whichis pretty amazing in itself. You have the reassurance of the fact that everyfile, image or even a document you share on this platform is going to stay safeand secure without a shadow of a doubt.
Skimmable user interface
With thekind of rush we are always in, the last thing that any of us want to encounteris to end up finding a good file transfer application but with a very bad andcomplicated user interface. With ShareIt, you have that aspect of the thoughtsorted out for good. The user interface in this application is very straight onpoint and easy to understand which is what makes it so easy and amazing to use.The same also makes it a lot easier for people with issues with technologyhandling it a lot better than the other applications.
Shareit App Download For Windows 7
How to download ShareIt on Mac
When itcomes to downloading applications on a MacBook,the process can be a bit complicated. If you have been struggling with asimilar issue, we do have some easy resolutions for you to look into. Here, weare going to share a quick rundown of the steps involved in downloading ShareIton Mac.
Shareit For Pc Free Download
- The very first step is to visitthe official website of ShareIt and then from there, click on the Mac optionfrom the sub-category.
- The next step is to simplydownload the file and then open it bydouble clicking on it
- Lastly, you need to accept thelicense agreement and follow along withthe instructions that pop up on the screen and once you finish the same, youare good to go with using ShareIt on Mac.
Shareit App Download For Mac Pro
ShareItis a very rapidly growing file transfer application. If you have been stressingon how to use the same on Mac, we hope this guide was informative enough.